Canon G10 сломался: Lens error. Restart camera.

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Canon G10 сломался: Lens error. Restart camera.

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение Countessa » 20 июл 2013, 12:04

В самый ответственный момент (в Ватикане) служивший мне верой и правдой 4 года Canon G10 вдруг вытаращился на полный зум и на любые попытки с ним договориться отвечает единственной фразой "Lens error. Restart camera."
И как его Restart ? На кнопки нажимала, батарейку переставляла, безрезультатно .
Можно ли что-то своими силами сделать? или тащить его в кэнон сервис? или сразу выбросить?
aka Alisa2
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Re: Canon G10 сломался: Lens error. Restart camera.

Сообщение: #2

Сообщение Taxpolice » 21 июл 2013, 19:41

Обычно на таких аппаратах данная ошибка указывает на неисправность механизма выдвижения объектива. Чаше всего из-за попадания посторонних частиц (песок, пыль и т.д.). Ремонт стоит не менее, чем сама камера. Писать долго не буду, приведу выдержку с одного сайта, где как раз описывается такая проблема.

The methods are listed in the order of risk of damaging your camera. Thus make sure you try them in the listed order. And remember, these fixes (especially #6 and 7) should only be considered for a camera that's out of warranty, who's cost of repair would be excessive, and would otherwise be considered for disposal if unrepaired:
Fix #1: Remove the batteries from the camera, wait a few minutes. Put a fresh set of batteries back in (preferably rechargeable NiMH 2500mah or better) and turn the camera on. If that didn't work, try pressing and holding the Function or OK button while turning the camera on.
Fix #2: Remove the batteries, then remove the memory card. Then install new batteries, and turn on the camera. If you get an Error E30, it means you don't have a memory card installed, so turn it off, slip in the memory card and turn it on one last time.
Fix #3: Insert the cameras Audio/Video (AV) cable, and turn the camera on. Inserting this cable ensures that the camera's LCD screen remains off during the start process. Thus extra battery power is available to the camera's lens motor during startup. This extra power can be useful in overcoming grit or sand particals that may be jamming the lens. If the AV cable doesn't fix the lens error by itself, consider keeping this cable installed while trying fixes 4, 5, and 7 as a means to provide extra help to these fixes. But note that I DON'T recommend keeping the cable installed during Fix 6 as you may damage the AV port while tapping the camera. Reinsert the cable only AFTER tapping the camera.
Fix #4: Place the camera flat on its back on a table, pointed at the ceiling. Press and hold the shutter button down, and at the same time press the power-on button. The idea is that the camera will try to autofocus while the lens is extending, hopefully seating the lens barrel guide pins in their slots.
Fix #5: Blow compressed air in the gaps around the lens barrels with the idea of blowing out any sand or grit that may be in there jamming the lens. Other variations include blowing with a hair dryer in “no heat” setting, or sucking the gaps with a vacuum (careful with this one).
Now we're entering into the realm of potentially damaging your camera in conducting the fix. There is definitely some risk here, so take care when conducting the following two fixes.
Fix #6: Repeatedly tap the padded/rubber usb cover on a hard surface with the intent of dislodging any particles that may be jamming the lens. Other variations include hitting a side of the camera against the palm of your hand. A lot of people have reported success with this method. HOWEVER, there is also some potential for damaging or dislodging internal components with this method, such as unseating ribbon cables, or cracking LCD screens.
Fix #7: Try forcing the lens. More people have reported success with this method than with any of the other methods. HOWEVER, there's obviously some potential for damaging your camera by using this method. Variations include gently pulling, rotating, and/or twisting the lens barrel while hitting the power button. Attempt to gently straighten or align the barrel if it's crooked or twisted. Another variation includes looking for uneven gaps around the lens barrel, and then pushing on the side of the lens barrel that has the largest gap (note pushing the lens barrel all the way in is NOT recommended as it may become stuck there). While doing any of the above, listen for a click that indicates that the lens barrel guide pins may have reseated in their guide slots. If you hear this click, immediately stop and try the camera.
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Re: Canon G10 сломался: Lens error. Restart camera.

Сообщение: #3

Сообщение Taxpolice » 21 июл 2013, 19:46

И вот еще именно про G10

You may have gotten a sand particle lodged in the flanges of the lens. There are a few things you can try to dislodge it - they do not always work, but sometimes do. There is also the possibility that the lens drive motor or motor circuits have failed. Either way, if the below steps do not correct the problem (and the battery is fully charged) - then it will require servicing.

Remove the Lens attachment ring from the camera - there is a button on the lower front right hand side, that you press and turn the outer ring to remove the ring from the camera.

Then point the camera down, with the lens facing the floor, and gently tap on one side or the other, and then try powering it off - you will need to try this a few times.

The other is - again with the lens facing toward the floor - use a can of computer compressed air, and spray around the lens, where the lens extends - do not spray directly on the lens, but at an angle like 40 degrees toward the floor.

Lastly, with the ring still removed, use a crevice attachment on a vacuum and try sucking out any obstructions in the camera flanges, do not touch the flanges with the vacuum tool, just a few inches away.
абсолютный путешественник
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Re: Canon G10 сломался: Lens error. Restart camera.

Сообщение: #4

Сообщение Countessa » 22 июл 2013, 00:09

Спасибо, все это перепробую
aka Alisa2
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